Living Room Conversations Race

“Don’t talk about it in the living room.” “Don’t talk about it at all.” But I’m opinionated and passionate about racial justice, so I’ve decided not to wait to have that conversation about race with them. In the wake of George Floyd’s murder in May, many non-Black families found themselves having difficult conversations about.
Living room conversations race. A Living Room Conversation is a simple way to heal divides. It is a conversational model developed by dialogue experts in order to facilitate connection between people despite their differences, and even identify areas of common ground and shared understanding.. Within this model, we have developed over 100 conversation guides on all sorts of topics that can otherwise be tense to talk about. Living Room Conversations – September 26 Public Information Officer Lauren Pettipiece from City of Saratoga · 3 Sep 17 You're invited to attend Living Room Conversations, hosted by the Saratoga Ministerial Association and the City of Saratoga, on Tuesday, September 26 from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Joan Pisani Community Center. Living Room Conversations has almost 100 conversation guides that are free, open-source, readily available, and cover a range of topics. And according to Mary, because the tools are scalable and replicable, people can turn their initial conversation about race and ethnicity into many more. Questions of race, religion, and patriotism led to competing frames. But, “One belief that brings Americans together is a sense that the country is special.”. Taken together, the 26 “Living Room Conversations” left us with a powerful realization: American identity is being reshaped as perceptions related to culture, security, and the.
Living Room Conversations is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 as a result of a transpartisan partnership focused on revitalizing civil discourse through conversation. Living Room Conversations are a conversational bridge across issues that divide and separate us. Based in Santa Cruz, Project Connect is dedicated to organizing Conversations for Change. It is our hope that participants share and understand differing points of views. Our goal is to bridge the political and social divisions found in our nation through civil discourse. Living Room Conversations. 68 likes. On a mission to bring together women and allies for small group conversations about gender, race, and other issues facing rural communities. Facilitated by... Follow Living Room Conversations and others on SoundCloud. Create a SoundCloud account Sign in Race and Ethnicity Part 1 - Living Room Conversations by Living Room Conversations is licensed under a Creative Commons License .
Living Room Conversations invite us to reach out and get to know people who have different views than we do. The conversations allow us to deepen our own understanding as well as deepen relationships with friends and family.. and now they are using our Race in the Time of Corona and Police and Community Relations conversations guides as well. This is why Living Room Conversations recommends that individuals participate in at least three conversations with others as a way of gaining insights and continued growth. The Race and Ethnicity Conversation Series is a three-part series that will take place on the 3 rd Tuesdays in September, October, and November during the fall semester. Conversations on select topics held via Zoom. We invite you to our Zoom Living Room, a safe, trusted space. Community members come together to relate and to connect. An invitation to share perspective, generate understanding, build relationships, and ultimately strengthen the community. Next Topic: Race in the time of Coronavirus: Saturday, August 22, 4-6pm EDT […] Conversations about race do not have to tear us apart. These discussions can happen in your living rooms, your kitchen tables, and even during soccer games, so they can help those around you see the racial injustices happening in this country.
Living Room Conversations is as powerful as the simplicity in which it is grounded. It is a brilliant concept that is deeply grounded in an understanding of American culture that cuts across ethnicity,political affiliation, class, religion, gender identification and race; we Americans are usually respectful of a "guest in our home". Living Room Conversations are a conversational bridge across issues that divide and separate us. They provide an easy structure for engaging in friendly yet meaningful conversation with those with whom we may not agree. These conversations increase understanding, reveal common ground, and sometimes even allow us to discuss possible solutions. This workshop is an opportunity to pick up on a conversation from Upswell LA about the practice of Living Room Conversations with a specific focus now on race and ethnicity. The unique structure and safety of this practice, as well as the deep power of storytelling, comprise a productive and sensitive approach you can practice… Living Room Conversations is a new, open-source project exploring the power of revitalized civil discourse in America.It provides a platform for people to come together through social networks to engage in a self-guided conversations about a specific topics.